Picasa Collage

Playing around with Picasa, trying to decided if it is better, or offered something different to Flickr, I can across the Collage option and played around with my R.N.Z.A.F. Photographic Section photos (mainly from my Photo Course days in 1966 at Ohakea). These were gathered for the May 2008 Photo Section Reunion in Christchurch and I thought it was a good place to experiment with creating something on-line, on the computer, to match what had been produced for Barb and I by my third cousin, Glenda Howard in Canada. When we met up with Glenda and Howard at Wendy and Ernie's place in Calgary, Glenda presented us with an album of her family - as a brief summary of her family and where they fitted in the bigger family tree picture.
This prompted a return effort, mainly by Barb of our family, with a lot of photos taken at the time of Father's 87th birthday at Robert and Jocelyn's place in Tauranga.
So that will be the next experiment at collage, meantime from my 'photography days'


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