Father's Day 2008 in New Zealand

Sunday 7 September 2008 in Tauranga, New Zealand Cody poaching the eggs for Sunday breakfast and Father at 'his place' in Tauranga.
Ray and son Cody went down to Tauranga for a Father's Day visit and enjoyed Saurday night pizza with the brothers Tim, Des with Joy and Robert with Joc. Whilst at Father's we learnt he had spent two weeks up North, Houhora way to help roof cousin Mike Johnstone's place. (Along with cousin Royce who did the driving). So when we were with Craig Kaaka in Macau (see travel Blog listing) we found why we didn't get answer from Father's phone in Tauranga - he was up North with his nephews Mike and Royce and niece Lyn and Lloydie Kaaka. After we left Craig and Hong Kong, Craig travelled home to his parents place and found Uncle Bert and so we learnt from Craig that Father was up with his parents and Father learnt from Craig we had been in Macau and Hong Kong?


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